Saturday 26 April 2014

Finished a new ellie, Ronnie. Sitting pretty in his dungerees!!!
He is 8" standing but he is too weighted to stand....prefers sitting down or slouching!!!

Monday 21 April 2014

Four more bears adopted all in all had a really good weekend.





Lastly, new bear Noah 5.5" of adorabilty

Sunday 20 April 2014

Well I had a lovely day catching up with craft friends that I've not seen since before Christmas. Also two bears & a rabbit were adopted. Let's see what today brings!!!!!

 Bruno the grizzly found a new home as did Rachael, who was adopted for someone's daughter instead of a chocolate egg. And lastly, & for the life of me I cannot remember the last bear's name. I found it's photograph in the computor, but it was un-named, & I really cannot remember what I called it. Most unsual for me.