Friday, 21 August 2015

I'm having a bit of a creative crisis at the moment!!!!
I absolutely love making my bears, but, although my website receives a fair amount of hits per day, if the stats 
are to be believed, no one emails & I have only ever had a couple of 
bears adopted from the site.
Are my bears not what people want? do I have to change direction?
It took me some time to find a pattern that I was happy with, now maybe I'll
have to design another kind of bear.
Or is it that there are just too many of us bear artists out there!!!

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Hadley standing

Hadley sitting
Hadley is a bear that I made a couple of years ago. 
Made from a downloaded pattern for a competition, those of us who wished, made a bear from the pattern, with the idea being, the different types of bears made from the same pattern. Anyway Hadley did not get a place & was subsequently put away until the other day.
I was going to undo him but decided to change his eyes from boot button to glass & reposition them.

The other bear is Dusty, a little 6" bear made from mohair.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Been playing around with my website this morning, redone a new gallery 
& put 2 more bears in the special offer section. Do have a browse, you 
never know there maybe one there, somewhere, waiting for your special hug.
Have a good Sunday, weather here is really nice!!! Hope it last's the day.