Thursday, 17 November 2011

Off to Petersfield tomorrow for a Wessex Guild show. Hope the trend of last weekend keeps up & people are spending their hard earned cash for Christmas presents.
I am hoping, if someone will look after my stand for a bit, to pop into Jenny Stacy's new shop, which is not too far from the hall where our show is.
Let you know how it went next week.

Weald & Downland Christmas Market

Did the Weald & Downland Christmas Market at the weekend, it was absolutely manic.
I have to say I was a little worried, as the previous 2 shows I had done nobody seemed to be spending.
Anyway all was well & people seemed to have Christmas in mind. All roads to the museum were gridlocked & the queues to get into the museum from the carparks were taking up to an hour, so I was told.
Anyway here are a few pctures of my stnad at the beginning of the show on Saturday.

Weald & Downland Christmas Market

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