Saturday, 15 August 2015

Didn't get much sewing done yesterday!!!! the weather was so foul, I curled up on the sofa & read a book. This is the second Jeffrey Archer book I have read, & I have to say he's a better author than politician!!! Well that's my opinion anyway. Both books I have found very hard to put down & have been totally engrossed.
Off to Romsey today to see some very old & dear friends. Hope the weather holds, they have a beautiful garden to sit in, a real sun trap, so here's hoping.
I feel I have rambled a bit this morning, so I will sign off & wish you all a good day.

Friday, 14 August 2015

I have cut out the first bear from one of the unpicked one's!!
I have used the 5" size of my pattern, which leaves me some
mohair left over to make some brooches or keyrings,
like those in the photos below.



Thursday, 13 August 2015

Good morning from a very soggy UK!!! Terrible thunder & lightening in the night.
Well I have unpicked & unstuffed four bears now, 3 mohair & 1 viscose panda.
These were all 9" bears so now I have to work out what size to make new bears, from 
my own pattern.
But first I have to do some housework!!!! it seem's to have taken a back seat lately
to the garden & these bears.
Have a lovely day, where ever you may be. 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Well that's 3 bears undone, 1 more to go!!!
It's amazing how much stuffing, steel pellets,
rubber pellets & tumplum pellets I've now accumilated
in different bags!!!

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Just been making some further reductions on my special offers page on the website, three bunnies, one ellie & a bear!!!!
I seem to be taking bears apart at the moment, with the intention of revamping them into new one's.
These are bears that have, either been made from kits, or other people's patterns. I am now using my own pattern which I am happy with & appear to be quite successful in having the bears adopted with.
Posting two new bears, which have not been will have to wait a while longer for those!!!!

Monday, 10 August 2015

I would like to introduce you to my own little "Hollywood Stars"
Both bears are 6", made from felted mohair, with glass eyes,
felt pads & matching ribbons.