Wednesday, 10 September 2014

I made these two bears a few weeks ago for a friends wedding. I wasn't able to make it to the evening reception because of a poorly dog!!! but I did see her yesterday so was able to give them to her. I can now show them to everyone!!!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Not had a lot of time for making bears recently, but have managed to finish this one....Christopher, made from shulte string mohair. He is approximately 8.5".
Will be on the web site later. Also finished this letter rack, trouble is with painting
you have to wait for the paint to dry!!!! Take's so much longer to finish something 
than making a bear, which obviously, you can pick up & put down as you like. 
Also finished another heart commission for someone, this time with a cat. Not
something I usually do as I'm not really a proper artist.

Santa letter rack

Cat heart

Monday, 8 September 2014

Well some of the bears & myself are off to a pop up shop this morning. This shop is available for rent to anybody wishing to advertise their wares. I'm in with some lovely ladies whose love of craft & needlework are renting it for the next two weeks, so we shall see what happens!!!