Saturday, 20 September 2014

I have had a lovely week. Rufus bear has been shipped off to Australia & Rosia a pink bear I have just finished is off to Wiltshire.
It's so nice when a bear is adopted from the www, I mean it's nice anytime but it also mean's people are either watching my blog or web site!!! to Australia to Wiltshire GB

As yet unnamed 4.5" sassy fabric bear available
for adoption

Also unnamed at the moment. 4.5" sassy fabric
bear. Available for adoption

Monday, 15 September 2014

Went to Findon Sheep Fair on Saturday. I have been doing this fair for the last 12 years & each year it seem's to get bigger & better. I had my best year ever with 5 bears being adopted, 3 of which are pictured below.
A great deal of painted stuff was sold also. So now I'm on the hunt for some junk to paint!!!
